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Best ways to do Google calendar Woocommerce integration

Nowadays, business landscapes are continually evolving. To maximize profit and achieve extra growth, you must inherit new techniques for sales management. One such technique is Google Calendar Woocommerce integration.

A detailed introduction to:-

1. Google Calendars

Google Calendars are the best tool that can change the most unorganized person into an efficient one. It is especially helpful for those who are facing a hard time streamlining their bookings with their daily work.

Google Calendars are a great support for large hotel chains and such domains. One can easily manage to mark the dates for booking, manage the staff, or next booking.

Similarly, it will update the appointment schedules to connect people all across the globe. You can manage/ schedule the remote meetings via video links. One can even coordinate multiple calendars at once to figure out the best time.

But have you ever analyzed what happens if you have to manage more than 100 bookings/ month?

2. WooCommerce Appointments and Bookings

WooCommerce has a bunch of amazing features. This plugin is the most powerful tool to manage reservations, bookings, events, etc. You can provide or initiate the booking based on months, days, hours, and even days. One can even restrict the booking to a certain locking period.

From a musical concert organizer to a hotel business owner, one can efficiently use and manage this plugin.

How can you set up Google Calendar WooCommerce integration?

1. WooCommerce

  • Visit “WooCommerce” and tap the option “Bookings”. Next, click “Settings”.
  • Choose the tab “Calendar Connection”.


  • Click on the option “Connect” using Google. This you can find under the section of Calendar Connection. Next, choose a Google account.

Signin from Google

  • You must choose an account here.
  • Make sure to confirm to the Google account or Gmail. Review your Permission to Allow.

Confirm your choice

  • Choose “Allow” to gain access to the calendar.

Woocommerce Permission

  • Do the verification of the URL and tap “Continue”.


You will see a message that displays for successful connection.


  • You will see a new section along with the settings of the calendar because of successful connection is set up.
  • From the dropdown choose the calendar and sync the Bookings.
  • Next, you must set the preference of the sync. Check below to learn about the sync preferences. Lastly, click the option “Save Changes”.

Calender Connection

The Set up is complete!!

2. Google Developers Console

Visit “WooCommerce” and click “Settings”. Next, tap the option “Integration”.

Google Calender

You can take the help of Google Developers Console to develop the project. For this, click Google Developers Console you will see your screen:-


You can choose any option “New Project” or “Use existing project”.


Browse for “G Suite APIs” and click the option “Calendar API”.

Calendar API

Next, hit the “Enable”.

Enable google calendar API

a. You need to create the credentials. For this, choose the option “Go to credentials”.

Check Details

You can even try an alternate method. Directly go to the API Manager. Next, click the option “Project” and “Credentials” page.

Choose the option “Create Credentials” and click “OAuth Client ID”.

API manager

b. Next, you need to do the setup of the OAuth Consent Screen. For this, you need to complete the details for the consent screen.

Please Note:-

You can only see the consent screen when you tap the option “Connect from your site”. This you can find on the WP-Admin.

On the WP-Admin, click the option “Bookings”. Then tap “Settings” and tap “Calendar Integration”.

It will by default select the email address. You need to type your application name. If you are planning to add any application logo then you need to do the verification from Google. This may take four to six weeks.

This application is internally used to connect the website to the calendar. Hence, we will recommend you to not add any Logo.

“SAVE AND CONTINUE”, Click this!!

You can skip the step “Scopes” as it is optional.

To set the OAuth Client ID screen, visit API Manager. Click Project and tap the option Credentials page.

You have to choose “Create credentials” and tap OAuth Client ID. Next, Redo the Step (a).

Add the credentials to your site. Please make sure to add the credential to your website.

You can check this by visiting the API and tapping on the Credential page after you have created them.

  • To open the credential, you need to click on the name.
  • Next, copy the Client Secret as well as the Client ID.

At your store, you must visit Bookings and click Settings. Finally, tap the option Calendar Connection. Under ‘Connect with your own Google App’ enter the Client ID and Secret ID. Once done, click ‘Save the settings’.

c. For the authorization of the calendar and account with Google, you need to enter your credentials.                                    Then save the settings. Lastly, tap on the button “Connect with Google”.

Google calendar WooCommerce integration

Google calendar WooCommerce integration

Next, select your Google account on your screen.

Google calendar WooCommerce integration

You will be notified regarding the warning of your app not getting verified. Tap ‘Advanced’.

Google calendar WooCommerce integration

Once you tap, please ensure to click on the link you see on your screen.

You will see a notification that will ask you to grant access. Click Allow.

Google calendar WooCommerce integration

To confirm the Access, tap” Allow”.

2 Way Google Calendar Sync

This sync is best if you have to manage bookings or reservations for your business. To do this, enable the Google Calendar Sync.

  • Install and download the WooCommerce plugin.
  • Next, for the activation of the plugin, tap “Settings”.
  • Under the tab “Google Calendar” tap the option “Start Two-Way Sync”.

Once you tap on this button, it will sync all the events that you have developed on Google Calendar.

Google calendar WooCommerce integration

To sync an event as Booking on the site, you must:-

  1. Give the name of the Bookable product or “Bookable Product ID” as the “Calendar Event Title”.
  2. You need to set the booking time and date as per the availability of the product.
  3. If you have any guests, list them in the event description with the following command “<guest name as mentioned in the product>:<number of guests>”.

For instance,

If you have the option for guests (Adults +Children) in the bookable product, you can list them as:-

  • Children: 3
  • Adults: 4

Google calendar WooCommerce integration

  • You can make sure that all the bookings are automatically synced. The plugins will sync the events by default every 60 seconds to your site. You can even customize the timings but we will recommend and tap “Save Interval”.
  • You can even set your site up to date for booking availability for emergency situations. Now if you cannot wait that long to sync the calendar events, you can sync the calendar events manually. For this, click on the “Manual Sync”.

Google calendar WooCommerce integration

Once the sync (related to the event) is complete, you can see this on your site as “New Booking”. This you will see under the tab “Booking” and the Order Page. On the order page, you will see this as “New Order”.

It is quite a struggle to streamline the bookings with the daily work. For instance, managing the staff, marking the dates next booking, etc. It is strenuous to manage.

You need an automated calendar system in this case so that you are updated with the booking. Using the features of Google sync, you can navigate the bookings from your smartphones from any location.

The plugin -WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments have got you covered.

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