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How to Setup Payment Express (Windcave for WooCommerce) as Your Payment Gateway?

A perfect payment gateway works like a charm with any transaction. Also, if you have a variety of payment options available, you have the guarantee of users not leaving due to the lack of their preferred payment option.

A payment gateway is a medium that allows users to successfully transact a certain amount of money by processing the cards under the assurance of the payment gateway’s public and private keys. The payment express payment gateway links to almost all brand debit and credits including JCB, Diners, VISA, and MasterCard.

Payment Express (now called Windcave for WooCommerce) requires an SSL certificate of course and a hosting that binds the SSL. Apart from that, a master manual to set it up perfectly. This article will cover a vast overview of how to set up Payment Express as your Payment gateway.

What plugin is used for Payment Express (Windcave for WooCommerce)?

One can use Windcave for WooCommerce Plugin (It was formerly called WindCave) to set up Payment Express. Downloading and installing this plugin just requires a few steps.

Step 1: The user is required to login into their WooCommerce account. You can also login via WordPress credentials.
Step 2: Download the Zip file of WooCommerce from the download link provided.
Step 3: Having logged into the WordPress Dashboard, enter the plugin section.
Step 4: Click on add new plugin and navigate to the download folder in the local storage.
Step 5: Make the upload and activate the Windcave for WooCommerce plugin.

How to Register with Payment Express or Windcave?

After setting up payment express, it will require you to sign up on the Payment Express official website to use it.

Note: Payment Express is rebranded in the name of Windcave.

Step 1: Once you enter the payment express or Windcave signup page. Fill the details asked for and click on get started

Step 2: Verify the email account and Wait for the Sales to contact you as an answer of account activation.

Step 3: Request for a chargeless Px-Post credentials from the support.

Step 4: Once you have the credentials in your hand you are ready to go for the configuration in the WordPress dashboard. Having entered the dashboard, click on the WooCommerce setting and click on checkout.

Setup Payment Express

Step 5: Check the force secure checkout option under the checkout process. Now, Checkout can be done in Live mode.

Step 6: Save the changes

Step 7: Enter the WooCommerce Menu > Settings > Checkout > Payment Express.

Setup Payment Express

Step 8: Tick Enable the Payment Express and Px-Post Testing to let the Payment Express run in live mode. Enter other details that need to be shown to your store customers at the time of checkout.

Step 9: Now, there are Px-Post Username and Px-Post Password fields that need to be filled with the same credential that you requested from the support.

Step 10: Save all the changes.

As the WooCommerce store owners need to add more details for their customers’ easy than just setting up and configuring payment gateway, here are a few more configurations that you must take care of:

  1. For a credit card payment, you must get an Internet Merchant Account Facility from your bank and apply for the Payment Express service on the Payment Express official Website.
  2. You can also configure the currency type and transaction mode. There are more than dozens of currency type options available for transactions in different countries and mainly 5 Transaction types to choose one from Purchase, Auth, Complete, Refund, and Validate.
  3. To show off the security parameters, you can use AVS for all transactions made with credit and debit cards at the payment gateway.
  4. Another security parameter is the Card Verification 2 or CV2. It allows you to validate the credit and debit card transactions made on Payment Express.
  5. You can also make change to the interface, changes like Submit button text, Reset button Text, Cancel button Text, Amount not specified error, Card number not specified error, Expiry date invalid error, and a lot more texts that are displayed either as correction to user input or a sign to invalid entry.

These settings will help you improve the user experience for the checkout process in your WooCommerce shop for the buyers.

Payment Express is a quick addition to WooCommerce and a really quick solution to transactions as well. Provided a SSL certificate held with the hosting, you need nothing more to grab the credentials through quick sign in on its official website. Believe me, Payment Express is a melting butter over the fluidy WooCommerce. We hope you got your problems sorted with the help of this article. In any case you didn’t, you can always visit WPCustomify to get quality support services.