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How to test WooCommerce checkout and payments?

Payment facilitation is a critical component for any online business. Nowadays, there is no niche that does not pay close attention to it. There is simply no purchase or customer without it.

But, how can you test WooCommerce checkout and payments? What do your potential leads experience while making their purchase?

Read ahead to find out:-

Why should you test WooCommerce checkout and payments?

Nowadays, most online shoppers love to do their shopping in their own comfort. Be it groceries or buying household essentials, the users turn to online shops.

Check how you can restrict shipping to logged-in WooCommerce users.

If your eCommerce store does not give the users comfort, then you are out of the loop. Your customers may go to your competitors. There are even chances that they may file legal actions against you.

You must have a reliable payment system to run a trusted, credible, and good-ranking store. A broken or slow checkout process can impact the experience of your users. This will create great chaos in your sales.

Ensure that you maintain the security and check the bugs every now and then.

1. How can you test WooCommerce checkout and payments via cheque?

You can test the cheque payments in the simplest way. For this, you need to visit the “WooCommerce Payment Section”. Click on the option “Cheque Payment” and then enable it.

Navigate to your store and place the orders. It will steer to the page of Checkout. Complete all the details such as delivery details, etc. Ensure that you choose the method of payment as ‘Cheque payment’.

Place your order.

Visit the “Order page” and see the orders that are successfully placed. Click on the section “Recent Orders” and check the details of the payment on your admin dashboard. You can see the order was placed with cheque payment methods.
You can even test like this to check the Bank transfers.

2. How can you test checkout and payments using COD?

Visit WooCommerce “Settings” and tap“Payments”. Enable COD, “Cash on Delivery”.

Go back to your online store and order any items from the inventory. Click the option “Proceed to Checkout”.

Your users can complete all the essential details and purchase their desired products. To test the WooCommerce checkouts and payments, you need to fill in the delivery and contact details. You will see that the checkout page by default is showing Cash-on-Delivery. It is because you have enabled this on the WooCommerce payment dashboard.

When done, tap “Place Orders”. It will show the order’s particular like the order number, email, date, costs, etc.

You can figure out if your order page and checkout page are smoothly working. Your clients will get an automatic confirmation message that contains details of the order.

It is very easy to access the details of the order using the dashboard of WordPress. For this, browse “WooCommerce” and click the option “Orders”.

At this time, you can click and check the essential order number. You can see detailed information on your screen regarding the placed order.

For instance, you can check the shipping methods, contact details of clients, and payment method.

You even get the privilege to modify the details (if required).

3. How to use the WooCommerce payment plugin to test WooCommerce checkout and payments?

It is quite easy to set up the WooCommerce payments plugin to integrate debit card and credit card payments. You can even use it easily. This even gives support to Google Pay and Apple Pay apps.

You can use this plugin to view and manage the reports of transactions. For this, you need to use the dashboard of the plugin.

Here, we are using the WooComemrce payment plugin. You can develop a Dev Mode, a test account to test the website’s development.

Firstly, you need to install this plugin- the WooCommerce Payments plugin. Complete all the essential details.

When done, you need to switch yourself to the Test Mode. Visit the option “Payments” and click “Settings”. In the next step, you need to tap “(Enable) Test Mode”. Proceed further when you save these changes.

For testing the card payments using the WooCommerce payment gateway

Once done with the order complete the particulars of your card. Make sure to fill in the expiry date and CVC code (3-digit). Then put your order and get a confirmation for the same.

Browse for “Payments” and then go to “Transactions” from your WordPress dashboard. You will see your orders getting processed forward.

4. How to use a free plugin to test WooCommerce checkout and payments?

Check back to your WordPress dashboard. From there browse for “Plugins” and tap “Add New”.

You need to type WC Order Test on the search bar. WC Order test is a free testing plugin that allows testing the process of checkout. You need to click the button “Activate” once you install the “WC Order test”.

You can use this plugin completely for testing purposes. Browse “WooCommerce” and go to “Settings”. Lastly, you need to click “Payments”.

Order test

You will see the option “Order Test”. Make sure that you enable it and click the button “Manage”.

Check in the setting panel of the WC test. Click “Enable order test gateway” and then tap the “Save changes”.

Order test gateway

Go back to your store and place the product orders. Proceed further and your screen will display the “Order Test Gateway” option.

Tap the button “Place Order”.

Your order

Make sure you jot down the order number and go to the page “WooCommerce Order”.

5. How to use the Stripe payment gateway to test WooCommerce checkout and payments

Stripe payment gateway is a widely used payment tool. This tool is largely loved by businesses because it allows local payments, digital wallets, and card payments using its gateway.

To begin, you must go to the WordPress dashboard. Install the Stripe payment gateway plugin and click “Activate”.

For doing the integration of this plugin for test mode, you must set up the Stripe account. This is for the API kets.

Visit the website of Stripe and create a Stripe account. Browse for “Developers” and click “API Keys”. In this step, you can get access to Secret Key and Publishable Key.

API Keys

Check back to the settings of WooCommerce and navigate for payment tabs. Under this option, make sure you “Enable” the Stripe payment method. Next, tap the button “Set up”.


Here, you need to tap “Enable Test Mode”. Make sure you insert the “Secret Keys” and “Publishable keys”.

Test Key

When you are done pasting it, click the button “Save Changes

Make sure you add and complete all the customers and billing details.

For testing the credit card payment on Stripe, you can formulate the steps stated in the last section. Make sure you add a valid expiry date and CVC code. When you are done, tap “Place Order”.

Your order stripe

Visit the dashboard of Stipe and click the tab “Payments” and check for payments.


If the screen displays your order, this means your payment was executed successfully.

To make this active for your clients, visit “WooCommerce” and click “Settings”. Next, tap the option “Payments” and browse for the Stripe Payment button “Manage”, Click it.

Make sure you “Disable the test mode”. Complete all the details that are asked. Once done, tap “Save Changes”.

6. How can you test checkout and payments using PayPal?

PayPal is a widely popular payment gateway with plenty of followers all across the globe. By default, it is included in WooCommerce with PayPal standard. To do the order testing, you will require a PayPal Sandbox account. Visit the PayPal Developer website and create an account.

For this, go to “Sandbox” and click “Accounts”. Hit “Create account”,

Sandbox Accounts

A pop-up will ask you whether you want to create a personal (buyer account) or business (merchant account). It will also ask about your country and region.

To do the testing, we require both buyer’s and merchant’s emails.

To create a personal account, select the region and country and click “Create”. Repeat the same process for business accounts.

Create sandbox Account

Ensure that the region/ country matches your store’s default currency. Why? Well, you can avoid the orders stating as pending payments.

Next, you need to tap the button “Option” under the section “Manage Accounts”. Select the option “View/ Edit” account for the newly created account of Sandbox.

Sandbox accounts details

This will display all the sandbox account’s account details. Under the tab “Profile”, you can see the password and email address of Merchant & Buyer accounts. Copy them and save them securely. You will need them for testing the orders of WooCommerce in the later stage.

Account Details

How to enable this gateway?

You need to visit “WooCommerce” and click “Settings”. Next, you need to open the section “Payments”.

Looking for ways to configure PayPal for Digital Goods with WooCommerce? Check this link.

PayPal Standard

Make sure to enable the gateway, PayPal Standard. Tap on the Set-Up if you did not set up this payment gateway for your site.

Click “Manage” and hit “Enable PayPal Standard”. You have to add the merchant (business) email of PayPal on the Receiver email and PayPay email. At last, you need to check the option “Enable PayPal sandbox” and “Save the changes”.

PayPal Standard settings

How to test?

Open the public online store. You can even open it from an incognito tab or any web browser.

To continue the payment, tap “Proceed to PayPal”.

Your order paypal

You need to type the buyer’s email address of the PayPal Sandbox account and log in.

Select “Pay with a PayPal balance” and tap “Pay Now” for the payment.

Test Score

You will receive a payment success message.

PayPal Sucess Message

Log in to the merchant account of PayPal. Browse for “Recent History” and check for new transactions. If the recent transaction shows, this means everything is working just fine.

To initiate live transactions, visit “WooCommerce” and click “Settings”. Click “Payments” and the “Manage”.

Untick the option “Enable PayPal Sandbox”, complete all the details and save the changes.

In a conclusion!!

It is recommended to test the WooCommerce checkout and payments every now and then. In fact, you can take WooCommerce support services from a good team.